Take the Quiz

How do I know if I need a Colonic?

Take our questionnaire below to find out. If you answer yes to any of the questions, then you would benefit from Colon Hydrotherapy.

Are your number twos firm, cylindrical and brown in colour?

Do you receive signals to go to the bathroom two to three hours after eating, one to two times a day?

Does your tummy swell with discomfort after consuming any meals?

Is your skin be speckled with unwanted eruptions?

Does your skin crawl with itchiness, worsened by the stresses of the day, hormonal cycles, inclement weather?

Is your hair limp and brittle?

Does your weight fluctuate for no good reason, or worse still refuse to budge?

Do headaches plague you at times?

Does your tummy sometimes rumble with gas and you have to quickly exit in company?

Does your breath smell pristine or rancid?  Clue: coating on tongue.

Does your digestive system labour under “Take-Aways”, “Take-Ins”, and “Fast Foods” washed down with your favourite drink?

Is your waist ballooning and refusing to become its optimum size?  Clue half your height.

Do you have eight hours of restful sleep, waking refreshed and ready to start your day?

Do you fluctuate between constipation and diarrhoea?

Do you bypass breakfast – the “breaking of the fast”?

Do you need a coffee to “kick start the day”?

Did you know the body is two thirds water, are you consuming enough unadulterated water each day?


Do your joints swell and ache on occasions?

Have you travelled recently to foreign lands?

Do not lament any “Yeses”.  Remember your symptoms are indicators that your body is not in balance.  Colon Hydrotherapy will not only cleanse the colon, it will help to detoxify your whole body to bring you back into balance.

Key words:
Colon Irrigation Sydney, Colon Irrigation Inner West, Colon Irrigation Newtown, Colon hydrotherapy Sydney, Colon hydrotherapy Inner West, Colon hydrotherapy Newtown, Colon care Sydney, Colon care Inner West, Colon care Newtown, Colon health Sydney, Colon health Inner West, Colon health Newtown, Detoxification Sydney, Detoxification Inner West, Detoxification Newtown, Weight issues Sydney, Weight issues Inner West, Weight issues Newtown, Irritable bowel syndrome Sydney, Irritable bowel syndrome Inner West, Irritable bowel syndrome Newtown, Skin outbreaks Sydney, Skin outbreaks Inner West, Skin outbreaks Newtown, Detox Sydney, Detox inner west, Detox Newtown